Tuesday, May 22, 2012

4 Months!

Abigail is 4 months old this week.  She has really hit a growth spurt this month!  I just hope she doesn't grow out of these sweet cheeks!

She is growing so fast and her personality is really starting to come out.  Here are a few things she is doing now: 

* She is starting to squeal and make high pitched noises.  Then she laughs at herself!
* She continues to love her bath and now she splashes her feet and gets water EVERYWHERE!
* She is sitting up in her Bumbo 
* She found her feet!  
* She does the motorboat sound with her mouth
* She rolls from her back to her side
* She can lift her head up when she is in tummy time and smile at me!

The physical therapist in me is so fascinated with every milestone that she makes!  Here she is lifting her head during tummy time!

Miller is still following Abigail around the house. Sometimes she'll bring her toys and lay right beside Abigail's play mat. My other baby...

We still love you Miller!