Wednesday, February 15, 2012

One cup of coffee changed everything..

Five years ago today, Mike asked me out for a cup of coffee.  I remember sitting in a coffee shop in Memphis, Tennessee across from this tall hunk of a man and slowly watching my life fall into place.  FINALLY!  Life has only gotten sweeter since that day!!  Here is one of the earliest pictures I have us.  We look like babies!

I started this blog so that I could keep a record of pictures and events to remember and share with Abigail, our family, and our friends.  I want her to be able to look back through this blog one day and see how precious she is to all of us.  I also want her to know how incredible her father is.  Mike Harder is the real deal and I am so thankful that he is her daddy.  Here are just a few of the reasons I am so thankful for my husband:

1.  He loves Jesus more than me and Abigail.  That may seem odd - but it is the single thing I am the most thankful for.  The fact that he loves Jesus more than us, gives me HOPE that he will serve his family and love us as Christ loved his bride, the church.

2.  He is patient with us.  He is patient with me when I am tired and short fused ( maybe I have had a few moments!) He is patient with Abigail when she cries and as we learn how to take care of her.

3.  He is my partner.  I know that I am not taking care of this little bundle all alone.  Mike has probably changed more diapers than I have!!  He also walks her round and round our house when she is wide awake and fussy so that I can eat my dinner.

4.  His family comes first.  Mike first showed me how important this was to him while we were in Israel this past summer.  I was 11 weeks preggo and SO sick when we led a mission trip to Israel.  I was blown away by his leadership, because even though he had so many responsibilities with this trip, he put me first.  He also took a full 2 weeks off from work to be at home with us after Abigail was born.  This time has been so precious for our family and I am grateful for the sacrifices he has made!

5.  He is my best friend.  I absolutely love doing life with him, whether it's hiking along the Amalfi Coast in Italy, serving in a third world country, or lounging on the couch in our pajamas.  I am blessed to call him my husband.  Abigail is also incredibly lucky to have him as her daddy.  She will learn this for herself one day, but I plan to tell her often..

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