Monday, July 9, 2012

My little girl keeps changing!!

I am amazed at how much babies change each week.  I am trying to take as many pictures of my sweet girl as I possibly can so that I can capture each phase she goes through.  If she only knew about her hair...

Abigail was born with a head FULL of hair!  She was rockin the "old man" hair do for a few months!  Check this out!

I tried to help her out as much as I could with pretty bows.  Most of the time she tolerated me pretty well, but occasionally she would give me looks like this when I would put a bow on her head!

Around four to five months, her original hair finally started to fall out.  But just on top, which means her hair was still pretty thick on the sides and in the back.  She was rocking the baby mullet there for a while!  

Now she is growing new hair and it's much lighter!  She still has her curly little "wings" on the side! So cute!  

Here is a picture of her handsome daddy with his blonde curls!  Yeah...she might favor him a bit!

Yea...she favors her daddy alright!

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